Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bright Parade Day for RTC

Pictured, Ceccilia Calabrese Agawam Town counsel member Vice President, Michael Daley RTC Treasurer, Jeff Beatty, Brain Lees and Peter McNair Committee member.


Pictured Michael Daley RTC Treasurer, Cecilia P Calabrese, Esq, Agawam Town Committee Vice President, Peter McNair Committee member.

Friday, March 28, 2008


He is a Republican Congressman from Texas who is running for President in 2008. He represents the 14th congressional district of Texas. He presently serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles.

I’m still amazed at the number of people who have never heard of him. The Main Stream Media has very effectively disengaged the public by hand-feeding information about every other Republican candidate. Fox News flat out refused to include him in their last debate, and the rest of the MSM has followed suit. In fact they’ve made a concerted effort to shut him out.


Paul was the first member of Congress to propose term limits legislation in the House

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

In 1976, he was one of only four Republican congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan for president.

Paul's commission minority report was published by the Cato Institute in The Case for Gold; it is now available from the Mises Institute, to which Paul is a distinguished counselor.

Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

He set a one-day GOP fundraising record on Nov. 6, 2007 of more than $4.2 million dollars in a 24-hour period from 37,000 donors. Without Paul's $20 million raised from individuals, Republicans would have totaled $45 million for the period from October through December, compared with Democrats' $58 million.

Paul also set the standard among candidates in both parties last year for tapping into average Americans. He raised 61 percent of his funds from small-dollar donors, defined as those who gave $200 or less, compared to just 14 percent of Hillary Rodham Clinton's funds, 12 percent of Mitt Romney's funds and 8 percent of Rudy Giuliani's 2007 campaign funds.

Paul is the only Republican candidate to oppose the Iraq war.

He has received more monetary donations from active military than all of the other presidential candidates combined!

He is an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures.

His fiscal policies evoke the idealistic Republican revolutionaries who seized control of Congress in 1994.

His ob/gyn practice refused Medicare and Medicaid payments; he worked pro-bono and arranged discounted or custom-payment plans for needy patients.

But even if Paul's ideological purity is never going to get him to the White House, it does help illuminate the impurities — and sometimes the hypocrisies — of today's Republicans. The candidates all talked about shrinking big government, but Paul was the only one who included the Pentagon and NSA wiretaps and petroleum subsidies in his definition.

The question for Republicans is what happens to Paul's voters and donors?

Though he has not yet won any state contests, he has garnered support from hundreds of thousands of voters, many of whom are nontraditional Republicans. There were even some pundits who said an increase in polling on Republican affiliation resulted from Paul's outreach.

Many of his 800,000 presidential nomination votes were from newcomers to the Republican Party — the kind of dedicated small-donor volunteers the party needs.

Ron Paul says the legions of newcomers his presidential campaign brought to the Republican Party are getting the cold shoulder from John McCain and from the party.

The Texas congressman says neither he nor his supporters have heard from Mr. McCain or Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan since March 4, when the Arizona senator accumulated enough delegates to clinch the party's presidential nomination.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bob McGovern


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The BEATTY BRIGADE Takes on the Holyoke Parade…

JEFF BEATTY is looking for a few good men and woman to march in the Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Parade!

Jeff Beatty is sponsoring a U.S. ARMY TANK!!!
This will be a great time, so please volunteer; we want to have 100 marchers as a show of grass roots support…

The Victory Van will be staged and be serving refreshments!!
The Holyoke Parade requires all marchers to be in uniform, we are asking for blue jeans/slacks, and TEAM BEATTY will be supplying the SWEAT SHIRTS and BEATTY BALL CAPS.

Please confirm your attendance as we have to expend approximately $50.00 per person to outfit our participants…(Of course a campaign donation to off set this expense would be sincerely appreciated.. Smile)

We hope to see you all in Holyoke on March 30th 2008, more details will be provided to those marchers as we receive your names

Kathryn Cantwell
Jeff Beatty US SENATE 2008

Cecelia P. Calabrese, Esq.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Iraq: Five years of war

Tomorrow, March 19th, 2008 is the Fifth Anniversary of the beginning of the war on Iraq.

Five years into that war, Congress continues to avoid its constitutional responsibility to exercise policy oversight, particularly considering the fact that the original authorization no longer reflects the reality on the ground in Iraq.

According to the original authorization (Public Law 107-243) passed in late 2002, the president was authorized to use military force against Iraq to achieve the following two specific objectives only:

“(1) Defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

(2) Enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq”

I don’t think the United States should ever go to war to enforce United Nations resolutions. I was also skeptical of the claim that Iraq posed a “continuing threat” to the United States.

As it turned out, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, no al-Qaeda activity, and no ability to attack the United States. Regardless of this, however, when we look at the original authorization for the use of force it is clearly obvious that our military has met both objectives. Our military very quickly removed the regime of Saddam Hussein, against whom the United Nations resolutions were targeted. A government approved by the United States has been elected in post-Saddam Iraq, fulfilling the objectives of the authorization.

With both objectives of the original authorization completely satisfied, what is the legal ground for our continued involvement in Iraq? Why has Congress not stepped up to the plate and revisited the original authorization?

Congress has a moral obligation to our troops to provide relevant and coherent policy objectives in Iraq.

My prediction for 2008: an utter crushing defeat for Republicans because Republicans are failing on two fronts: not living up to the promises of limited government and balanced budgets and failing to understand how unpopular the Iraq War has become.

Opinions expressed on this site are those of the relevant contributors. Not all committee members necessarily share those opinions.

Monday, March 17, 2008

McCain’s leadership will keep U.S. safe

Printed in the Springfield Republican February 26, 2008

President Bush’s continued mission of staying on the offensive has resulted in zero attacks on this country. His steadfast mission of finding these terrorist murderers has brought a level of sanity to the backward feelings of some Americans.

Electing John McCain will continue the freedom battle that was inflicted on us on 9/11. Americans must galvanize to support our troops and their mission. McCain’s past and his shown leadership through strength will lead our country to some sanity and sanctuary for the next four years.

The party of Lincoln continues to put the faith in the person – that each person can rise to their full potential and succeed. We need not subject and/or re-enforce “entitlement” programs as long-term answers to problems. – Peter McNair

Opinions expressed on this site are those of the relevant contributors. Not all committee members necessarily share those opinions. LJ

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tribute to Ronald Reagan

Schedule of Meetings for 2008

The Agawam RTC, has scheduled it's meetings for the rest of the year:

Tuesday- April 29, 2008 at 7:00PM
Tuesday- June 24, 2008 at 7:00PM
Tuesday- September 23, 2008 at 7:00PM
Tuesday- November 18, 2008 at 7:00PM

No meetings during July and August due to summer vacation schedules.

All meetings will be held at the Agawam Public Library, Pierce Room.

Don't worry if you've never been to one before, we want to hear from you.

Pictured with Jeff Beatty are some of the Agawam Republican Town Committee members, (from left to right, Ron Lariviere, Committee Chair, Ceccilia Calabrese Agawam Town counsel member Vice President, Peter McNair Committee member, Priscilla Perterson Committee member, Jeff Beatty, and Robert Magovern State Committee Man.

Jeff Beatty candidate for US Senate showed up at the last Agawam Republican Town Meeting.
(from left to right, Michael Daley Committee Treasurer, Ceccilia Calabrese Agawam Town counsel member Vice President, Jeff Beatty, Robert Magovern State Committee Man and Timothy McGrew Committee Recording Secretary.