Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Golden opportunity for Ma.

Massachusetts has a real chance to redeem itself this coming election with Question 1, being whether to chuck the income tax or keep it. This should be a no-brainer. To the skeptic, ask yourself "Do I want a 5.3% payraise, or do I want Beacon Hill to take it to distribute amongst useless programs and other Government waste?".

In tough economic times like this, it will be a relief on a lot of companies, workers, and families. This will bring back hundreds of thousands of jobs to the private sector, which will cause businesses to flock to Massachusetts. Families will have more money from their paychecks to go to groceries, utility bills, fuel, or whatever they please, and not to mention it will lead to more saving and investing. I have no doubts that gutting our State Income Tax will only lead to an increased quality of life for all hard working Mass citizens.

If the majority of voters vote Yes on Question 1 it will certainly resonate across the nation, causing other states to look at what we're doing with intrigue. And it will send a message to the politicians and bureaucrats on Beacon Hill that the hard working citizens of Massachusetts are not playing around anymore. This is what they get when they don't listen to the voters and decide not roll back the income tax. That slap to the face to the voters may come back at Beacon Hill with a closed fist.

I believe a lot voters in Massachusetts are closet Republicans. This may be one of those reminders, and if there is any issue that the Republican party should be behind and tooting the horn of, it is certainly this one.

Our State Government has shown us how they can spend our $12 billion dollars and the people clearly are not impressed. I think we'll keep it from them from now on. Vote 'Yes' on Question 1!

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