Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The BEATTY BRIGADE Takes on the Holyoke Parade…

JEFF BEATTY is looking for a few good men and woman to march in the Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Parade!

Jeff Beatty is sponsoring a U.S. ARMY TANK!!!
This will be a great time, so please volunteer; we want to have 100 marchers as a show of grass roots support…

The Victory Van will be staged and be serving refreshments!!
The Holyoke Parade requires all marchers to be in uniform, we are asking for blue jeans/slacks, and TEAM BEATTY will be supplying the SWEAT SHIRTS and BEATTY BALL CAPS.

Please confirm your attendance as we have to expend approximately $50.00 per person to outfit our participants…(Of course a campaign donation to off set this expense would be sincerely appreciated.. Smile)

We hope to see you all in Holyoke on March 30th 2008, more details will be provided to those marchers as we receive your names

Kathryn Cantwell
Jeff Beatty US SENATE 2008

Cecelia P. Calabrese, Esq.